----------------------------------------------------------------------- // README FITFLASH (http://fitflash.millermedeiros.com) // // FitFlash is (c) 2006 Miller Medeiros (www.millermedeiros.com) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FitFlash is a smart script that resizes your flash automatically if your browser window size is smaller or greater than your flash minimum desired size keeping it accessible independent of screen resolution. // What it does? FitFlash automatically resizes your flash to 100% width and 100% height when your browser window is greater than the minimum desired size and resizes flash to the minimum desired size when the browser window is smaller... // How do i use it? Include the fitflash.js Javascript file, then just call one simple javascript function. // Example: // Arguments: FitFlash ("flash ID", minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth:optional, maxHeight:optional, centered:optional); flash ID - The ID of the flash object/embed tag. minWidth - Minimum desired width (px) for your flash. minHeight - Minimum desired height (px) for your flash. maxWidth (optional) - Maximum desired width (px). maxHeight (optional) - Maximum desired height (px). centered (optional) - sets if the flash is centered after reach max size, default value is true (true or false). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // visit http://fitflash.millermedeiros.com for more information.. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------